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Results for: 'teaching methods'

KM Panel Discussion February 2016
KM Panel Discussion February 2016 Kroepsch-Maurice Award for Excellence in Teaching recognizes faculty in each of the academic ranks who have demonstrated excellence in classroom teaching, ability to motivate and challenge students, and the capa...

Teaching Modalities - Fully Online
Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont. An introduction to the Fully Online Teaching Modality with several tips and ideas for implementing it.

Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont. An introduction to the Remote (synchronous) Teaching Modality with several tips and ideas for implementing it.

Teaching Modalities - Mixed Delivery
Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont. An introduction to the Mixed Delivery Teaching Modality with several tips and ideas for implementing it.

Teaching Modalities - In-person
Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont. An introduction to the Remote (synchronous) Teaching Modality with several tips and ideas for implementing it.

Sound (Teaching) Bite: Why Active Learning Works (9/23/19)
Dr. Annie Murray-Close provides a quick overview of the literature about active learning, with concrete examples for small changes that can have positive impacts on students' attention and retention.

Podcast on Unsustainable Fishing Methods and their negative effects on fish populations, bycatch, endangered aquatic organism and the marine ecosystem ecology. Complications (damaging ecological balance and food webs), along with future resolution...

College Life in a Pandemic - Final Presentations
Two final group presentations from Dec. 11, 2020 by students in GEOG186/GSWS195 "Qualitative Research Methods". The projects were part of the Civic Learning element of the course. One group examined "Experiencing and Enacting College Life in a Pan...

Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award Panel Discussion 2015
Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award Panel Discussion 2015 facilitated by Joan Rosebush Diane Jaworski, Taras Lakoba, Rebecca Wilcox, Sean Witters