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Results for: 'spa'


Poetry Robot 0.91 beta

By: waw

Artist Tina Escaja. Sound activated, Infrared proximity sensor, audio detector, custom Arduino code. And Spanish poetry engraved in legs by laser.


autonomous robot interaction

By: waw

Conceived by Tina Escaja. Infrared proximity sensor, audio detector, custom Arduino code. And Spanish poetry engraved in legs by laser.


Phase objects - continued

By: plintilh

Describes how transparent objects may only retard light without diffracting it


Transform - diffraction - transform - image

By: plintilh

Spatial information in the rear focal plane.


Zero order has no information

By: plintilh

Spatial information is encoded in the diffracted rays.


Spatial deteil vs acceptance angle

By: plintilh

Acceptance angle of objective must be wide enough to collect at least first order diffracted rays


Spatial filtering in the transform plane

By: plintilh

Using a small aperture slider to remove diffracted orders in the transform plane eliminates detail in the image plane.


Object detail vs. acceptance angle

By: plintilh

The finer the spatial detail in an object the wider the diffraction angle - easily seen with a laser pointer and a fine grating.