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Results for: 'silviculture'

Project Overview: Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping
This video gives an overview of the Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping (NEFCCEM) study's background, as well as instructions on how to utilize its interactive GIS web experience.

This was presented by Al Freeman. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to

Mapping Climate Change Exposure for Northeastern Tree Species
This was presented by Lukas Kopacki and Jen Pontius as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: The uncertainty a...

GIS Tool How-To: Northeastern Forest Climate Change Exposure Mapping
This video provides an overview on how to navigate through the NEFCCEM's GIS web tool, showing some tips and tricks along the way. LINK:

Adaptive Silviculture Practices and Breeding Songbirds in the NortheastÂ
Managing for Songbirds - David Farris