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Results for: 'seminar'
RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Dr. Mysha Clarke
For the second installment of the 2020 RSENR Fall Seminar Series featuring early career researchers, Dr. Mysha Clarke gave a presentation entitled "Using protection motivation theory to understand invasive plant management on family forestlands".
RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Jessica Cole
Jessica Cole, Ph.D. Candidate in the UVM Biology Department shares insights to her research in the third installment of the RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Learning from Early Career Researchers. Cole's talk is entitled: Investigating the Potential Tra...
Held on February, 1, 2022 at UVM this introductory seminar was designed to introduce evidence-based approaches, including the NAS Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM report, to broaden participation of culturally diverse groups in STEMM field...
Julia Perdrial gives an overview on a newly funded project "Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales"
UVM Geology Seminar - Keith Klepeis - 11/16/2020
PFAS groundwater contamination near Rutland, Vermont: how to communicate geological research to the public and other non-scientist stake-holders
UVM Geology Seminar - 10/05/2020 - Paul Bierman
CUBA travelog: learning geology, hydrology, and teamwork on an Island forbidden to Americans
UVM Geology Seminar Series - 10/12/2020 - Andrew Christ
Fossils frozen beneath a mile ice: new insights from the first Greenland ice core
UVM Geology Seminar Series - 10/19/2020 - Julia Perdrial
Big picture or detail? Integrative Earth Science Research and the value of both
Feuer Art as Disaster Recovery
Ava Feuer's final research project for Fall 2020 HCOL185 seminar on hurricane Katrina.