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Results for: 'outbreak'

Forest Tent Caterpillars Update
It appears as though the recent widespread defoliation event related to forest tent caterpillar has ended. According to the Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation, there have been no reports of defoliation attributed to this native inse...

2017 Dengue Epidemic in Sri Lanka
The worst recorded outbreak of Dengue in the last decade occurred in 2017. This podcast presents interviews with the Director of the Dengue Control Program in Sri Lanka and a leading Pediatrician in a Postgraduate Teaching Hospital.

Maple trees managed for sap production remain part of a forest ecosystem. Forest ecosystems are complex communities of plants, animals and microbes all interacting with their physical environment and climate. Forests are especially competitive env...

Introduction to the course, identifying what a food borne outbreak requires as well as identifying negatives associated with food borne illness linked to a restaurant

Susceptible Populations Preventing Issues and Government Agencies
This video introduces susceptible populations, identifies means of control once again and identifies governmental agencies responsible for food safety and outbreak investigations.

Deliberate Contamination, ALERT and Responding to a FBO
This video identifies who might try to deliberately contaminate your product, how you can use the ALERT system to prevent such issues and finally what you should do should you suspect a FBO at your facility.