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Results for: 'hike'

Mr. Wes and Mr. Rogers tackle the Mansfield massif. I was the first day in 24 months where the air temperature was above 90 degrees C.

2005-10-xx October hike and ski
Early October snow provided sufficient base to ski the Goat (October 26) and Liftline (Oct 30) at Mansfield. Stan Scott Wes Jim Kris

Mansfield Hike and Ski 2003-04-22
The SkiVT-L crew earn their turns on Mount Mansfield, Stowe, Vermont. 'Spring Break' Week at local schools.

2004-04-28 Earned Turns on Mount Mansfield
Late season after the resorts are closed a community of hiker skiers congregate on the slopes, trails,and trees of Mount Mansfield.

2005-04-26 Upper Liftline Mount Mansfield
2005-04-26 Three men tackle Upper Liftline Mount Mansfield well beyond resort closing.