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Results for: 'earned turns'

2004-04-28 Earned Turns on Mount Mansfield
Late season after the resorts are closed a community of hiker skiers congregate on the slopes, trails,and trees of Mount Mansfield.

Today finds the Friday Ski Club boys high atop "The Chin" of Mount Mansfield. Why? Just to ski back down.

The USDA released the estimates for the 2019 Vermont maple crop. The numbers show that Vermont produced just over 2 million gallons of syrup in 2019. This represents a nearly 50% of all the syrup produced in the US and just under 7% increase from ...

Mansfield Hike and Ski 2003-04-22
The SkiVT-L crew earn their turns on Mount Mansfield, Stowe, Vermont. 'Spring Break' Week at local schools.

2007-01-12 Mad River Ghost town
These stalwart young fellows visit a ghost ski resort where the lifts run themselves and the turns twist in the fog