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Results for: 'classroom management'


Classroom Management in the Day of Team Teaching and COVID

By: tpritcha

Classroom management with Vermont Teddy Bears....


Iclickers in the Classroom

By: hpazamor

Clickers in the Science Classroom, Anatomy of a Clicker Question by SEI Science Education Initaitve. Learn about using clickers in the classroom to assess and engage student learning


Classroom Mics and Mic Packs - Connecting/Disconnecting

By: helpline

In this video, we describe how to connect and disconnect a classroom microphone to the mic packs, available in some campus classrooms.


Relative Effects of Functional Diversity and Structural Complexity on Late-successional, Northeastern Hardwood Forest Carbon

By: vmc

This was presented by Samantha Myers as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Understanding forest stand condi...


Technologies and Processes Group A--Challenge Innovation Project--Composting Ecology and Management--Professor Neher

By: kbburnha

Technologies and Processes Group A--Challenge Innovation Project--Composting Ecology and Management--Professor Neher Bay Burnham Francis Cundari Kyle Dorsey


Budget management NOW!

By: gdeziel

The pandemic has moved us all to a virtual world. Budget management continues, however. Here are some suggestions for managing your public library budget through these unusual times.


KM Panel Discussion February 2016

By: ctl

KM Panel Discussion February 2016 Kroepsch-Maurice Award for Excellence in Teaching recognizes faculty in each of the academic ranks who have demonstrated excellence in classroom teaching, ability to motivate and challenge students, and the capa...


Sound (Teaching) Bite: Harnessing the Testing Effect for Learning (10/21/2019)

By: ctl

Jen Garrett-Ostermiller shares research from four experiments which document how to leverage test-enhancing learning for increased student retention of information, along with suggestions for incorporating retrieval practice into the classroom.