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Results for: 'Tree Planting'

Urban Tree Inventory Tools and the Road to Healthy Tree Canopy Cover
This was presented by Joanne Garton as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Updates to the Vermont Municipal ...

Maine TREE (Timber Research & Environmental Education)
Maine TREE (Timber Research & Environmental Education) educates and advocates for the sustainable use of the forest and the ecological, economic, and social health of Maine's forest communities. Since 1989, Maine TREE has upheld this mission and s...

3 Years of Monitoring 15 Riparian Tree Plantings on ANR Land
This was a contributed talk by Sam Puddicombe as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.

Sugar maple flowers that are fertilized in spring, will develop into mature seeds in late summer. The seeds come in the form of winged samaras (sometimes referred to as helicopters or whirligigs). Sugar maple samaras develop in pairs but generally...

Tree-of-Heaven Community Science: Using the Map and Submitting a Report
This is the second training video for FEMC's community science project. 0:00-2:40- Identifying a Parcel to Visit 2:40-6:20- Submitting a Report (Did Find Tree-of-Heaven) 6:20-8:47- Submitting a Report (Didn't Find Tree-of-Heaven)

Barriers for Emerging Tree Planting Strategies in Response to Global Change
This was presented by Peter Clark as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, lik...