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Results for: 'Sea Ice'


Mark Hehlen - GIMP and ImageJ - Sea Ice image processing and analysis

By: nperdria

Tutorial to process and analyze landsat images using gimp and imageJ. (final project for GEOL185 - Geocomputing)


UVM Geology Seminar Series - 10/12/2020 - Andrew Christ

By: nperdria

Fossils frozen beneath a mile ice: new insights from the first Greenland ice core


Melting Migration: How reduced sea ice is starving polar bears during the summer

By: ewright6

Final podcast project for BIOL 195: Intro to Marine Science, Dr. May Collado


Sture Hansson: University of Vermont Marsh Professor Lecture The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: On Algal Blooms in the Baltic Sea

By: presdent

Blue-green algal blooms are common in the Baltic Sea as well as in many lakes, and they are often seen as a nuisance and an indication of environmental degradation. But because something is ugly does not necessarily mean that it's also bad. Can cy...


Sea Otters

By: eabell

Exam 4 podcast.


HST67/ENVS167#3-4_Patterns of Change and Continuity

By: anbuchan

Lecture on endogenous and exogenous factors shaping patterns of rise and fall


Why Does Sap Flow?

By: uvmext

Why Does Sap Flow from Maple Trees? Throughout the maple region, there are several weeks of alternating freeze and thaw temperatures each spring. This weather provides the right conditions for sap flow in maple. Unlike most trees, maples have tiny...


Chapt 4 Temperature Monitoring, Probe Maintanence and Calibrations

By: tpritcha

This video discusses how to maintain and calibrate temperature monitoring devices as well as defining the required accuracy of thermometers.