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Results for: 'Roman Climatic Optimum'

HST67/ENVS167#3-4_Patterns of Change and Continuity
Lecture on endogenous and exogenous factors shaping patterns of rise and fall

Red Cedar Woodlands in Vermont: an Overlooked Form of Old Growth and Potential Climatic Record
This was presented by Matt Peters. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to

Patterns and Drivers of Woodland Understory Flower Phenology and Canopy Closure
This was presented by Jordon Tourville as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Warming and changes in precipi...

A Map-based Stock Change Approach for Fine-scale Biomass and Carbon Accounting in New York State
This was presented by Lucas Johnson as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, l...

Barriers for Emerging Tree Planting Strategies in Response to Global Change
This was presented by Peter Clark as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, lik...