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Results for: 'Nature'

Stephen Polasky is among the world’s leaders in combining ecology and economics to quantify the benefits of nature to human society. He has assessed the impact of biofuels on agricultural landscapes, climate change, and food prices, and he has p...

It was interesting how I was able to create such smooth movements on the spot. I'm also impressed with the idea of nature that was included in the video.

Guest Interview: Guido Mase' on Entheogens/Psychedelics and Sacred Plants
Guido Masé RH(AHG) is a clinical herbalist, herbal educator, and garden steward specializing in holistic Western herbalism, though his approach is eclectic and draws upon many influences. He spent his childhood in Italy, in the central Alps and i...

HDFS 161 Episode 10 Developing White Identity
Professor Shelton applies develecology to his own experience growing up in America, to illuminate the development and nature of white identity, and then to suggest approaches to understanding and reducing racism.

MU 060 Logic MIIDI sequencing (1 of 2)
Introduction to MIDI seqeuncing project, reviewing the nature of MIDI and MIDI messages

Avalanche Dogs - ASCI 1100 Final Project - Alexander Carrozza - V2
A PPT slide deck with narration about the nature and importance of avalanche search and rescue dogs.