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Results for: 'Journal Impact Factor'

This video illustrates how to find a Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for a given journal title. It also describes what a JIF is and how the metric is calculated.

An overview of UVM Software & where to obtain it. An overview of Multi-Factor Authentication / How to set it up / How to use it.

PRNU 110 Research Tips, Part 2: Searching Journal Literature
In this video, we will explore how to search CINAHL for journal articles.

Yackee and Yackee Journal Club
4/5/23 Journal Club by David Richardson, Jonas Hamilton, and Quinn Houston

Subsistence fishing in the era of climate change
This 7 minute video captures the impact of climate changing on a subsistence fishing community in South India. If you are interested in learning more, please read the following paper:- Venugopal, S., Gau, R., Appau, S., Sample, K. and Pereira, R....

Creating an Open Access Impact Within and Beyond the University
A growing movement is using tools such as open access journals and repositories to transform scholarly communications on a global scale. Open access refers to literature and published research results that are made available online without access ...

Requesting items owned in print through Document Delivery
This brief video describes how to order scanned e-versions of book chapters or journal articles the Libraries own in print.