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Results for: 'Experiments in Economics'


Beyoncé and Behavioral Economics

By: efpope

Today Beyoncé is our tour guide through the basic principles of behavioral economics and health behaviors.


Economics Alumni Career Panel Nov 2020

By: ssolnick

Seven alumni of UVM Economics share their stories and advice.


Experiments in Social Science

By: 97dconne

CDAE 3500 Experiments in Social Science video lecture


Maldonado_HCOL185 Final Video

By: amaldona

Video on gender differences in the ultimatum game.


Polasky, Stephen. "Meeting the Sustainable Development Challenge of Jointly Achieving Economic Growth and Improved Environmental Conditions". Marsh Professor. 25 October 2016.

By: presdent

Stephen Polasky is among the world’s leaders in combining ecology and economics to quantify the benefits of nature to human society. He has assessed the impact of biofuels on agricultural landscapes, climate change, and food prices, and he has p...



By: lmkelleh

The Economics group innovation challenge proposal for a solid waste cap and trade.


Determination of UWS 1-4 Team 3

By: jsarkis

Video describes experiments performed on unknown water samples and determines where each was retrieved from.


Sound (Teaching) Bite: Harnessing the Testing Effect for Learning (10/21/2019)

By: ctl

Jen Garrett-Ostermiller shares research from four experiments which document how to leverage test-enhancing learning for increased student retention of information, along with suggestions for incorporating retrieval practice into the classroom.


Vacuum and Wounding

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...