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Results for: 'Data'

A Tour of the Northeastern Forest Inventory Network (NEFIN)
This was presented by Xana Wolf as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: There are numerous continuous forest ...

PHYS021: Final Project: Video Data
A sample of video data of my contraption in motion. Due to poor lighting, as this was filmed at night, it will not be my final trial where I hit within 5 cm of 2 m, but I am at least demonstrating that my object is moving, and that I can record th...

NEFIN: The Northeastern Forest Inventory Network
The Northeastern Forest Inventory Network (NEFIN) aggregates and standardizes continuous forest inventory (CFI) data from monitoring programs across the northeastern United States. In this webinar, we explore the NEFIN online tool's features, incl...