Member Profile

- mpalumbo
- Joined: 08/13/2015
- Profile Views: 929
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- Dr. Palumbo has been the Director of the Office of Nursing Workforce at the University of Vermont since 2001. She has been actively involved in supply and demand nurse workforce research and has worked on initiatives regarding older nurse career planning, inactive nurse volunteers for emergency planning, recruitment and retention efforts in long term care facilities, faculty loan repayment legislation, APRNs supply trends, interprofessional practice, Electronic Health Record communication skills for MDs and NPs, Future of Nursing Action Coalition, and the health and safety of RN and LPNs in the state of Vermont.
She currently serves as co-chair on the Governor’s Workforce Advisory Committee and on the Steering Committee of the State Innovation Model grant ($45 million) from the federal government. Dr. Palumbo also teaches in the graduate program at the University of Vermont. Her clinical practice, as a Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, has been at the Fletcher Allen Health Care Memory Center for the past 7 years. Dr. Palumbo’s work has been published in peer reviewed journals 31 times and she have presented at peer reviewed conferences - regionally (19), nationally (36), and internationally (12) times She also has been invited to speak 26 times on the topics of the nursing workforce (8), Alzheimer’s Disease (7), and urinary incontinence (16).
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Integrative Health
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