WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.680 --> 00:00:02.910 There are four reports 2 00:00:02.910 --> 00:00:06.120 that you can run to assist you with the space survey. 3 00:00:06.120 --> 00:00:08.550 A Pre-Survey Room Summary Report, 4 00:00:08.550 --> 00:00:10.933 a Post-Survey Room Summary Report, 5 00:00:10.933 --> 00:00:13.500 a Space Survey Progress Report, 6 00:00:13.500 --> 00:00:15.843 and a Component Status Report. 7 00:00:17.610 --> 00:00:19.200 Before you begin your survey, 8 00:00:19.200 --> 00:00:22.440 you can run the Pre-Survey Room Summary. 9 00:00:22.440 --> 00:00:25.800 That will give you a snapshot of the data 10 00:00:25.800 --> 00:00:28.593 as it exists in the space inventory. 11 00:00:30.240 --> 00:00:33.150 I'm going to select space audits. 12 00:00:33.150 --> 00:00:36.319 Choose space and occupancy survey, 13 00:00:36.319 --> 00:00:39.060 select the current survey, 14 00:00:39.060 --> 00:00:40.623 click survey component. 15 00:00:41.610 --> 00:00:43.560 This will list all the components 16 00:00:43.560 --> 00:00:46.020 that are tied to your net ID. 17 00:00:46.020 --> 00:00:48.633 In my case, I see all the departments. 18 00:00:49.620 --> 00:00:54.620 For this example, I'm gonna choose my department, 11105. 19 00:00:56.293 --> 00:00:59.193 I'm gonna click space and workspace, 20 00:01:00.870 --> 00:01:03.333 ensure all the rooms are selected, 21 00:01:04.410 --> 00:01:09.153 and then I'm going to click report on the action panel. 22 00:01:11.760 --> 00:01:16.020 As you can see, the PDC - Space Survey Progress Report, 23 00:01:16.020 --> 00:01:18.870 the PDC - Pre-Survey Room Summary Report, 24 00:01:18.870 --> 00:01:23.673 and the PDC - Post-Survey Room Summary Report are available. 25 00:01:24.630 --> 00:01:28.413 I'm going to click on the Pre-Survey Room Summary Report. 26 00:01:29.850 --> 00:01:31.443 Click save as. 27 00:01:32.760 --> 00:01:36.840 This report is designed to work as a PDF, 28 00:01:36.840 --> 00:01:39.243 so I'm going to choose PDF. 29 00:01:40.470 --> 00:01:44.913 You can leave these parameters as is, and click okay. 30 00:01:46.920 --> 00:01:48.723 This will download the report. 31 00:01:50.130 --> 00:01:54.303 You can open it, and as you can see, 32 00:01:55.740 --> 00:01:58.833 this will give you the building, the floor, and the room. 33 00:02:01.830 --> 00:02:05.250 It will tell you who the surveyor is, 34 00:02:05.250 --> 00:02:07.620 who last modified the room, 35 00:02:07.620 --> 00:02:11.223 and the date that the room was last modified. 36 00:02:12.720 --> 00:02:17.310 This is a one room per page report, so as I scroll, 37 00:02:17.310 --> 00:02:21.483 you can see each room displayed on a separate page. 38 00:02:26.333 --> 00:02:29.760 Once you have gone through the survey form 39 00:02:29.760 --> 00:02:32.520 and have surveyed all of your rooms, 40 00:02:32.520 --> 00:02:36.843 you can run the PDC Post-Survey Room Summary Report. 41 00:02:38.334 --> 00:02:41.280 For this example, I'm gonna choose a department 42 00:02:41.280 --> 00:02:44.883 that has finished their survey. 43 00:02:46.470 --> 00:02:50.253 I'm gonna select department 55020. 44 00:02:51.766 --> 00:02:54.693 I'm going to click space and workspace. 45 00:02:57.600 --> 00:02:59.490 Ensure all the rooms are selected. 46 00:02:59.490 --> 00:03:01.533 There's only one room in this case. 47 00:03:02.610 --> 00:03:03.963 Click report. 48 00:03:05.688 --> 00:03:09.870 Click the Post Survey Room Summary Report. 49 00:03:09.870 --> 00:03:14.870 Click save as, choose PDF, and click okay. 50 00:03:19.613 --> 00:03:23.629 When I open this report, you'll see that 51 00:03:23.629 --> 00:03:27.873 the headers are in gray as opposed to green. 52 00:03:29.700 --> 00:03:34.680 That's just a way to differentiate the pre and post reports, 53 00:03:34.680 --> 00:03:37.910 but you'll also see that the chart strings 54 00:03:37.910 --> 00:03:40.683 are now visible on the post report. 55 00:03:41.760 --> 00:03:46.500 The post-survey report can be useful if your dean 56 00:03:46.500 --> 00:03:49.710 or director needs to review the changes you've made 57 00:03:49.710 --> 00:03:54.710 before we submit your changes to the space inventory. 58 00:03:58.800 --> 00:04:00.630 You can also run a report 59 00:04:00.630 --> 00:04:03.390 that shows the Pre-Survey Room Summary 60 00:04:03.390 --> 00:04:06.993 and the Post-Survey Room Summary on one report. 61 00:04:09.570 --> 00:04:14.220 If I click on this report, PDC Survey Room Summary Report, 62 00:04:14.220 --> 00:04:18.783 pre and post and click save as, 63 00:04:20.790 --> 00:04:23.553 choose PDF, and click okay. 64 00:04:28.770 --> 00:04:31.230 You'll see both the pre 65 00:04:31.230 --> 00:04:34.893 and the post survey data is displayed. 66 00:04:36.630 --> 00:04:40.443 The pre-survey data is in green, 67 00:04:41.600 --> 00:04:43.530 and the post-survey data, 68 00:04:43.530 --> 00:04:47.553 the data that you entered on the survey form, is in gray. 69 00:04:49.582 --> 00:04:53.733 So this is a good comparison to see what changes were made. 70 00:04:57.570 --> 00:04:59.340 The next report I'll show 71 00:04:59.340 --> 00:05:02.580 is the Space Survey Progress Report. 72 00:05:02.580 --> 00:05:06.480 This report can be run during your space survey 73 00:05:06.480 --> 00:05:08.790 or at the end of your space survey 74 00:05:08.790 --> 00:05:11.403 to see the status of each room. 75 00:05:12.450 --> 00:05:14.674 I'm going to choose a department 76 00:05:14.674 --> 00:05:17.520 that has a mix of different statuses. 77 00:05:17.520 --> 00:05:20.823 I'm gonna choose 53050 for this example. 78 00:05:23.068 --> 00:05:25.680 I gonna click space and workspace, 79 00:05:25.680 --> 00:05:30.153 ensure all the spaces are selected, and click report. 80 00:05:32.324 --> 00:05:37.324 I'm going to select PDC Space Survey Progress Report. 81 00:05:38.940 --> 00:05:40.653 Click save as. 82 00:05:43.260 --> 00:05:47.130 At the top, I'm going to choose XLSX: Data only. 83 00:05:47.130 --> 00:05:49.833 This is designed to be a tabular report. 84 00:05:52.800 --> 00:05:57.510 I'm going to select no for wrap text for Excel. 85 00:05:57.510 --> 00:05:58.473 Click okay. 86 00:06:04.123 --> 00:06:06.960 And when I open the report, 87 00:06:06.960 --> 00:06:10.233 you'll see it's a tabular report in Microsoft Excel. 88 00:06:13.980 --> 00:06:18.060 And this report will list the property code, 89 00:06:18.060 --> 00:06:22.500 the property name, the floor, the room, the space type, 90 00:06:22.500 --> 00:06:26.280 the status, who it was last modified by, 91 00:06:26.280 --> 00:06:28.563 and the date it was last modified. 92 00:06:29.610 --> 00:06:33.930 You'll see this component has several rooms 93 00:06:33.930 --> 00:06:37.890 that are still in progress, some rooms that are assigned, 94 00:06:37.890 --> 00:06:40.983 so they have not been changed to in progress yet. 95 00:06:41.880 --> 00:06:44.403 Some rooms are completed by the surveyor. 96 00:06:46.920 --> 00:06:49.470 Also, if there is a mismatch 97 00:06:49.470 --> 00:06:53.370 between your functions and chart strings, 98 00:06:53.370 --> 00:06:56.133 you will see a status of waiting on approval. 99 00:06:57.827 --> 00:07:00.340 When you have completed your survey, 100 00:07:00.340 --> 00:07:04.713 you want all of the statuses to be completed by surveyor. 101 00:07:07.710 --> 00:07:11.523 The last report I'll show is the component status report. 102 00:07:13.356 --> 00:07:17.060 So if I go back to survey component at the top, 103 00:07:20.970 --> 00:07:23.250 this report's useful if you're at the dean's 104 00:07:23.250 --> 00:07:26.850 or director's level and you wanna see the departments 105 00:07:26.850 --> 00:07:29.040 that roll up to you, 106 00:07:29.040 --> 00:07:32.400 if they have completed their surveys or not. 107 00:07:32.400 --> 00:07:35.573 In my case, I see all the departments 108 00:07:35.573 --> 00:07:39.453 and I'll just select all for the purpose of this example. 109 00:07:43.290 --> 00:07:44.770 I'm going to click report 110 00:07:47.190 --> 00:07:51.450 and you'll see the PDC Component Status Report. 111 00:07:51.450 --> 00:07:53.820 I'm going to select that. 112 00:07:53.820 --> 00:07:55.353 Click save as. 113 00:07:56.850 --> 00:07:59.823 Choose XLSX: Data only. 114 00:08:01.590 --> 00:08:04.713 Gotta select no on the wrap text and click okay. 115 00:08:10.560 --> 00:08:13.750 So as you can see, I see all the departments here 116 00:08:15.210 --> 00:08:20.190 and the status of these departments of those components. 117 00:08:20.190 --> 00:08:21.420 So if you're at the dean's 118 00:08:21.420 --> 00:08:24.990 or director's, you wanna make sure all of the departments 119 00:08:24.990 --> 00:08:27.993 that roll up to you have completed their components.