1 00:00:00,810 --> 00:00:03,660 Hello, and welcome to module two. 2 00:00:03,660 --> 00:00:07,290 Well, now we're gonna jump right on into the material, 3 00:00:07,290 --> 00:00:11,250 the heart of the foundation of genetics and genomics. 4 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:14,160 So we're going to take it from the first lecture, 5 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:18,090 the cell perspective, and just break it down to, you know, 6 00:00:18,090 --> 00:00:22,200 where is DNA, how is it existing in the cell? 7 00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:24,810 How is it affecting, why does it matter? 8 00:00:24,810 --> 00:00:29,640 How does it affect how tissues and cells function? 9 00:00:29,640 --> 00:00:31,800 So we're gonna take a look there, 10 00:00:31,800 --> 00:00:33,900 and then we're gonna move to the second lecture 11 00:00:33,900 --> 00:00:36,390 in the module on DNA structure. 12 00:00:36,390 --> 00:00:40,260 Now, I know structure in biochemistry 13 00:00:40,260 --> 00:00:45,030 can sometimes elicit really painful memories, 14 00:00:45,030 --> 00:00:47,540 and believe me, I understand that. 15 00:00:47,540 --> 00:00:49,650 When I go through structure, 16 00:00:49,650 --> 00:00:50,970 I'm really just going to focus on 17 00:00:50,970 --> 00:00:52,530 what I think is necessary 18 00:00:52,530 --> 00:00:55,680 and important for you to have a sufficient understanding 19 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:58,410 to move forward with what we're going to learn 20 00:00:58,410 --> 00:01:00,174 in the rest of the course. 21 00:01:00,174 --> 00:01:03,000 It's not going to be every last little atom 22 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:06,810 and hydrogen bond and all of that. 23 00:01:06,810 --> 00:01:08,730 It's really just, here are the fundamentals. 24 00:01:08,730 --> 00:01:11,100 Here's what you need to understand, so that then we can take 25 00:01:11,100 --> 00:01:13,980 that understanding forward to the next module 26 00:01:13,980 --> 00:01:15,150 and build on it from there, 27 00:01:15,150 --> 00:01:17,820 and then take it out more broadly to 28 00:01:17,820 --> 00:01:20,910 a clinical understanding of what's going on. 29 00:01:20,910 --> 00:01:22,830 So, worry not. 30 00:01:22,830 --> 00:01:27,830 Hopefully, I have been able to really just focus in 31 00:01:27,870 --> 00:01:31,020 on the parts that are going to be necessary for you. 32 00:01:31,020 --> 00:01:33,690 And then the third lecture is going to be 33 00:01:33,690 --> 00:01:34,983 on the central dogma, 34 00:01:36,220 --> 00:01:37,633 which I know sounds like I'm starting 35 00:01:37,633 --> 00:01:38,658 to teach you philosophy, 36 00:01:38,658 --> 00:01:41,310 but actually is, is a really critical, 37 00:01:41,310 --> 00:01:42,810 as you can tell from the name, 38 00:01:44,254 --> 00:01:46,560 really critical concept in genetics 39 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:48,930 and really all of biology. 40 00:01:48,930 --> 00:01:52,300 And it's going to be one that's absolutely critical 41 00:01:52,300 --> 00:01:54,656 for us to understand before we move on. 42 00:01:54,656 --> 00:01:57,630 So for some of you who maybe have had genetics classes 43 00:01:57,630 --> 00:02:00,420 in the past or more bio classes in the past, 44 00:02:00,420 --> 00:02:03,117 this is probably going to be a review for you, 45 00:02:03,117 --> 00:02:04,623 and I think that's great. 46 00:02:05,756 --> 00:02:07,770 You know, hopefully you'll at least, you know, 47 00:02:07,770 --> 00:02:09,483 fire up those neurons again, 48 00:02:10,457 --> 00:02:14,820 that hold the memories of all of this kind of material. 49 00:02:14,820 --> 00:02:17,400 For those of you who are new to this or, you know, 50 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:20,315 it's been a while since you covered this material, 51 00:02:20,315 --> 00:02:24,480 the goal here is really to set the foundation 52 00:02:24,480 --> 00:02:27,930 and set one that we're all on an even, 53 00:02:27,930 --> 00:02:31,170 on an even playing field when we move on from here. 54 00:02:31,170 --> 00:02:33,810 So even if it's a review for you, 55 00:02:33,810 --> 00:02:36,030 hopefully you get something new out of it, 56 00:02:36,030 --> 00:02:37,770 or at least a good refresher on it. 57 00:02:37,770 --> 00:02:39,810 If it is new to you, 58 00:02:39,810 --> 00:02:44,382 my goal again is to provide you sufficient amount of 59 00:02:44,382 --> 00:02:48,990 information and perspective to, to give you the, 60 00:02:48,990 --> 00:02:52,740 a solid base for us to really build from there. 61 00:02:52,740 --> 00:02:56,220 So, as with all modules, you're going to have your lectures, 62 00:02:56,220 --> 00:02:59,330 and I have a voiceover PowerPoint for those 63 00:02:59,330 --> 00:03:03,360 in the lectures folder, as well as the PowerPoint files 64 00:03:03,360 --> 00:03:05,660 that go along with those if you'd like to, 65 00:03:05,660 --> 00:03:07,770 to have those to take notes on. 66 00:03:07,770 --> 00:03:11,550 Then we have a quiz that you can, again, as always, 67 00:03:11,550 --> 00:03:14,430 take up to three times with your highest score recorded 68 00:03:14,430 --> 00:03:18,150 and a discussion board post here. 69 00:03:18,150 --> 00:03:23,150 I have a prompt for you that I'd like you to respond to. 70 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:26,740 And then I also have another forum that I've set up 71 00:03:27,758 --> 00:03:29,640 for module two, which was just any kind of questions 72 00:03:29,640 --> 00:03:31,530 that you might have or comments that you want to make 73 00:03:31,530 --> 00:03:34,597 that's not related to the specific prompts I'm giving you 74 00:03:34,597 --> 00:03:36,660 for this week. 75 00:03:36,660 --> 00:03:39,180 I want you to have a space to be able to, you know, 76 00:03:39,180 --> 00:03:41,790 to bring those questions up or make those comments 77 00:03:41,790 --> 00:03:45,060 and, you know, have some discussion going there as well. 78 00:03:45,060 --> 00:03:47,100 So that's available. 79 00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:50,970 The assignment for this week is, again, 80 00:03:50,970 --> 00:03:52,383 since this is really, 81 00:03:53,340 --> 00:03:56,310 really the fundamentals of genetics, 82 00:03:56,310 --> 00:03:59,760 I want to make sure we're all on the same page 83 00:03:59,760 --> 00:04:01,320 with the vocabulary that we're using. 84 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:04,760 So I have a list of terms that are critical terms for, 85 00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:09,760 for genetics, and I'd like you to define those. 86 00:04:10,320 --> 00:04:12,270 So it's a Word document, you just download it 87 00:04:12,270 --> 00:04:14,790 and then you can type in for each of the terms 88 00:04:14,790 --> 00:04:16,980 that I have there in the definition. 89 00:04:16,980 --> 00:04:19,530 And I'd encourage you to try to do this 90 00:04:19,530 --> 00:04:23,250 after you've gone through the lecture material, 91 00:04:23,250 --> 00:04:26,070 after you've done the reading that you can go back 92 00:04:26,070 --> 00:04:29,070 and then see if maybe there's some terms that 93 00:04:29,070 --> 00:04:30,900 you thought you knew, but then when you actually put, 94 00:04:30,900 --> 00:04:32,610 started to write it out you realize 95 00:04:32,610 --> 00:04:34,837 maybe I don't quite fully understand that. 96 00:04:34,837 --> 00:04:37,530 That'll be a helpful cue to you to know 97 00:04:37,530 --> 00:04:41,670 where maybe you can go back and look at that section again 98 00:04:41,670 --> 00:04:43,080 a little more closely. 99 00:04:43,080 --> 00:04:46,034 So maybe just try it the first time through 100 00:04:46,034 --> 00:04:48,960 without using your books and notes 101 00:04:48,960 --> 00:04:51,330 and then see where you're having a little bit 102 00:04:51,330 --> 00:04:52,590 of a struggle to define it, 103 00:04:52,590 --> 00:04:55,230 and then go back and look that up again. 104 00:04:55,230 --> 00:04:57,333 So the assignment is there. 105 00:04:58,260 --> 00:05:01,500 The required reading, you have just a few pages 106 00:05:01,500 --> 00:05:03,360 from the textbook this week 107 00:05:03,360 --> 00:05:06,870 because I want to make sure again that we're getting those, 108 00:05:06,870 --> 00:05:10,290 the fundamentals down and not much in the textbook on that. 109 00:05:10,290 --> 00:05:11,918 So I have that. 110 00:05:11,918 --> 00:05:13,120 But then to supplement it, 111 00:05:13,120 --> 00:05:16,110 because the textbook doesn't have a ton of information on 112 00:05:16,110 --> 00:05:17,550 some of these basic concepts, 113 00:05:17,550 --> 00:05:21,276 I've included some excerpts from a book chapter that I wrote 114 00:05:21,276 --> 00:05:26,276 on genetics and it covers all of these terms as well. 115 00:05:27,150 --> 00:05:30,480 So that can be another resource for you to use. 116 00:05:30,480 --> 00:05:31,980 And in that textbook chapter, 117 00:05:31,980 --> 00:05:33,690 I have some practice questions 118 00:05:33,690 --> 00:05:36,142 and things like that with answers posted at the end 119 00:05:36,142 --> 00:05:39,420 if you're, if you're interested in doing that. 120 00:05:39,420 --> 00:05:42,638 But just to give you another resource to use to 121 00:05:42,638 --> 00:05:46,050 better understand some of these concepts. 122 00:05:46,050 --> 00:05:51,050 Alright, well, I believe that will cover it for this week. 123 00:05:52,623 --> 00:05:55,350 It was so great to read all of your introductions. 124 00:05:55,350 --> 00:05:57,840 Thank you all for introducing yourselves. 125 00:05:57,840 --> 00:05:58,710 I'm really excited. 126 00:05:58,710 --> 00:06:01,140 This is such a wonderful group of, 127 00:06:01,140 --> 00:06:03,840 of folks on board for this, for this semester, 128 00:06:03,840 --> 00:06:07,200 and I really look forward to engaging with each of you 129 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,180 and bringing in your individual backgrounds 130 00:06:09,180 --> 00:06:11,460 and experiences to the course. 131 00:06:11,460 --> 00:06:13,500 And we already had some great questions coming up 132 00:06:13,500 --> 00:06:16,680 and some discussions based upon those, 133 00:06:16,680 --> 00:06:19,235 and I look forward to keeping that up. 134 00:06:19,235 --> 00:06:24,235 And yeah so with that, I will close out for this week. 135 00:06:24,780 --> 00:06:29,780 Just want to say if this is kind of like your first foray 136 00:06:32,730 --> 00:06:36,540 back into molecular biology or genetics, 137 00:06:36,540 --> 00:06:38,040 I understand, believe me, 138 00:06:38,040 --> 00:06:41,640 I understand this can seem a bit overwhelming when you start 139 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:43,320 jumping back into this kind of material. 140 00:06:43,320 --> 00:06:45,741 It's a way of thinking that maybe you haven't 141 00:06:45,741 --> 00:06:48,090 engaged in in a while 142 00:06:48,090 --> 00:06:50,556 or wasn't something that you really focused on 143 00:06:50,556 --> 00:06:52,620 when you were in college. 144 00:06:52,620 --> 00:06:54,690 I totally understand that. 145 00:06:54,690 --> 00:06:57,150 It can seem, you know, a bit foreign, 146 00:06:57,150 --> 00:07:00,396 like a totally different language and you know, 147 00:07:00,396 --> 00:07:01,580 you're jumping into it. 148 00:07:01,580 --> 00:07:02,580 But I think actually the foreign language analogy's 149 00:07:02,580 --> 00:07:03,690 a good one. 150 00:07:03,690 --> 00:07:05,742 When you start learning a foreign language, 151 00:07:05,742 --> 00:07:07,920 it all sounds foreign, right? 152 00:07:07,920 --> 00:07:10,020 It all sounds overwhelming 153 00:07:10,020 --> 00:07:12,900 and tough to know how to even jump in there and communicate 154 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:14,490 and what it is you're hearing. 155 00:07:14,490 --> 00:07:18,720 I promise you, I promise you that sticking through it 156 00:07:18,720 --> 00:07:22,110 with this course, you will start to pick up more and more 157 00:07:22,110 --> 00:07:24,414 and more of this foreign language 158 00:07:24,414 --> 00:07:25,290 and it will start to make more 159 00:07:25,290 --> 00:07:27,930 and more sense to you is certainly my goal 160 00:07:27,930 --> 00:07:29,580 and something I know that you can achieve 161 00:07:29,580 --> 00:07:31,050 absolutely without question. 162 00:07:31,050 --> 00:07:34,890 So hang in there, know that you're going to be able to do it 163 00:07:34,890 --> 00:07:37,230 and you're gonna do an amazing job with it. 164 00:07:37,230 --> 00:07:39,240 I have no doubt about that. 165 00:07:39,240 --> 00:07:40,800 If you do have questions along the way, 166 00:07:40,800 --> 00:07:42,930 I am at your disposal, 167 00:07:42,930 --> 00:07:46,080 please feel free to post the discussion board, 168 00:07:46,080 --> 00:07:48,300 email me directly if you prefer, 169 00:07:48,300 --> 00:07:51,030 talk to your fellow classmates on the discussion board. 170 00:07:51,030 --> 00:07:52,830 We're gonna do it, we're gonna do it together. 171 00:07:52,830 --> 00:07:55,110 I look forward to speaking with each of you 172 00:07:55,110 --> 00:07:56,542 on the discussion board. 173 00:07:56,542 --> 00:07:57,603 Take care.