1 00:00:00,780 --> 00:00:03,450 Welcome to module 11, 2 00:00:03,450 --> 00:00:07,560 in this module, we're going to discuss cancer. 3 00:00:07,560 --> 00:00:11,310 And you may wonder why would we spend 4 00:00:11,310 --> 00:00:13,650 so much time talking about cancer specifically? 5 00:00:13,650 --> 00:00:16,590 Well, cancer is actually the most common genetic disease, 6 00:00:16,590 --> 00:00:21,590 and we're going to discuss it really from that context, 7 00:00:21,660 --> 00:00:23,410 as well as understanding, 8 00:00:23,410 --> 00:00:25,440 so basically understanding 9 00:00:25,440 --> 00:00:27,150 how genetics plays a role in this. 10 00:00:27,150 --> 00:00:30,180 And by that I don't just mean inheriting a risk 11 00:00:30,180 --> 00:00:32,760 for cancer, that's certainly a part of it, 12 00:00:32,760 --> 00:00:35,430 but also how we develop cancer 13 00:00:35,430 --> 00:00:38,815 by accumulating mutations in our genomes over time 14 00:00:38,815 --> 00:00:41,463 in different cells in our body. 15 00:00:42,750 --> 00:00:44,970 And that is the influence 16 00:00:44,970 --> 00:00:48,690 of the environment around us, our lifestyle, 17 00:00:48,690 --> 00:00:51,810 what we can do to reduce those risks 18 00:00:51,810 --> 00:00:54,873 to developing cancer in the future. 19 00:00:55,740 --> 00:00:58,710 So there are two lectures this week, 20 00:00:58,710 --> 00:01:01,530 and the first one is a pretty long one, 21 00:01:01,530 --> 00:01:05,700 but hopefully, you give me a little slack on that 22 00:01:05,700 --> 00:01:10,140 because cancer is a challenging topic to discuss. 23 00:01:10,140 --> 00:01:11,970 It can be quite complicated. 24 00:01:11,970 --> 00:01:15,330 In fact, many people spend their entire careers focusing 25 00:01:15,330 --> 00:01:19,140 only on trying to understand one teeny tiny piece 26 00:01:19,140 --> 00:01:23,820 of an enormous picture that is cancer biology. 27 00:01:23,820 --> 00:01:26,040 So I condensed it down as much 28 00:01:26,040 --> 00:01:27,720 as I reasonably thought I could 29 00:01:27,720 --> 00:01:29,820 to give you a solid foundation 30 00:01:29,820 --> 00:01:32,610 and understanding in it, fully acknowledging 31 00:01:32,610 --> 00:01:36,540 that you may not practice in oncology at all, 32 00:01:36,540 --> 00:01:41,519 but I can almost guarantee everyone's life has been affected 33 00:01:41,519 --> 00:01:43,470 in one way or another by cancer. 34 00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:44,880 And certainly that will be the case 35 00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:47,700 for probably a good portion of the patients 36 00:01:47,700 --> 00:01:49,380 who come through your door. 37 00:01:49,380 --> 00:01:52,320 And so understanding the molecular mechanisms, 38 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:53,940 at least from a high level for cancer, 39 00:01:53,940 --> 00:01:55,790 I feel like is a good use of our time. 40 00:01:55,790 --> 00:01:59,550 And again, since it is the most common genetic disease, 41 00:01:59,550 --> 00:02:02,463 it clearly has an important role for this course. 42 00:02:03,300 --> 00:02:05,790 The second lecture is half that time, 43 00:02:05,790 --> 00:02:08,010 so that's good is is about half an hour 44 00:02:08,010 --> 00:02:11,460 and that is focusing on targeted therapeutics. 45 00:02:11,460 --> 00:02:12,690 So taking it the next step, 46 00:02:12,690 --> 00:02:14,841 so the first lecture is really in the fundamentals 47 00:02:14,841 --> 00:02:17,892 of cancer biology, how cancer forms and develops 48 00:02:17,892 --> 00:02:21,974 and then the second lecture is more focusing on some 49 00:02:21,974 --> 00:02:24,270 of these new targeted therapeutics 50 00:02:24,270 --> 00:02:26,451 that are designed at a molecular level 51 00:02:26,451 --> 00:02:30,630 to specifically target cancer cells, 52 00:02:30,630 --> 00:02:34,950 to destroy those cells, to prevent cancer growth 53 00:02:34,950 --> 00:02:38,820 or to assist in the success of a therapeutic, 54 00:02:38,820 --> 00:02:41,820 another therapeutic regimen that goes along with that one. 55 00:02:41,820 --> 00:02:44,934 And talking about why it is 56 00:02:44,934 --> 00:02:49,860 that pharmaceutical companies in particular 57 00:02:49,860 --> 00:02:50,880 are quite interested 58 00:02:50,880 --> 00:02:52,830 in developing these targeted therapeutics 59 00:02:52,830 --> 00:02:55,524 and the potential benefits of them in the long run. 60 00:02:55,524 --> 00:02:57,555 I'm putting in the context of cancer here, 61 00:02:57,555 --> 00:02:59,430 but it can certainly be applied 62 00:02:59,430 --> 00:03:00,598 and would be applied 63 00:03:00,598 --> 00:03:05,130 to other disease states as well 64 00:03:05,130 --> 00:03:07,200 where there potentially is a specific target. 65 00:03:07,200 --> 00:03:08,340 And if you think back 66 00:03:08,340 --> 00:03:11,370 to last week when we're talking about autoimmune conditions, 67 00:03:11,370 --> 00:03:14,070 for example, this may lend itself some of these, 68 00:03:14,070 --> 00:03:15,840 the concepts of targeted therapeutics 69 00:03:15,840 --> 00:03:17,760 may lend themselves well the future 70 00:03:17,760 --> 00:03:21,360 to targeting autoimmune disorders 71 00:03:21,360 --> 00:03:23,763 for more successful treatment there, 72 00:03:25,050 --> 00:03:27,013 so those are the lectures. 73 00:03:27,013 --> 00:03:28,770 There's a chapter in your textbook 74 00:03:28,770 --> 00:03:31,860 that I'm asking you to read as well as an excerpt 75 00:03:31,860 --> 00:03:35,250 from the genetics chapter that I had written, 76 00:03:35,250 --> 00:03:38,520 that's just the excerpt that's related to cancer. 77 00:03:38,520 --> 00:03:42,510 And then I have a quick... 78 00:03:42,510 --> 00:03:46,140 It's sort of like a pamphlet that's in a PDF format 79 00:03:46,140 --> 00:03:48,510 that came out from, I think it was from the not 80 00:03:48,510 --> 00:03:50,410 that's from the Department of Vermont, 81 00:03:51,347 --> 00:03:52,230 State Department of Health. 82 00:03:52,230 --> 00:03:54,510 I'm not exactly sure who put it out, 83 00:03:54,510 --> 00:03:57,770 but it's basically focused on melanoma 84 00:03:57,770 --> 00:03:59,430 in the state of Vermont. 85 00:03:59,430 --> 00:04:04,260 Melanoma is a huge risk to those 86 00:04:04,260 --> 00:04:05,640 who live in the state of Vermont. 87 00:04:05,640 --> 00:04:08,400 We have one of the highest rates of melanoma 88 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:12,360 and highest rates of death, melanoma of really any state. 89 00:04:12,360 --> 00:04:14,410 And it talks a little bit about why that is 90 00:04:14,410 --> 00:04:19,410 and, you know, it's very re reader friendly approach... 91 00:04:20,795 --> 00:04:24,810 It's just a really a public health bulletin, 92 00:04:24,810 --> 00:04:28,278 so that's there for you to read as it applies to you, 93 00:04:28,278 --> 00:04:32,490 your practice in Vermont and also for you living in Vermont. 94 00:04:32,490 --> 00:04:37,490 And then there's also another PDF 95 00:04:38,580 --> 00:04:41,130 sort of a another pamphlet type of type of thing. 96 00:04:41,130 --> 00:04:44,070 It's was put out by the American Cancer Society 97 00:04:44,070 --> 00:04:46,050 and it's not required reading, 98 00:04:46,050 --> 00:04:48,300 but it, especially if you're really interested in learning 99 00:04:48,300 --> 00:04:51,060 more or if you have have patients in your practice 100 00:04:51,060 --> 00:04:54,678 that have cancer or you yourself are just interested 101 00:04:54,678 --> 00:04:56,550 in reading more about it, 102 00:04:56,550 --> 00:04:58,580 that's a really nice summary document. 103 00:04:58,580 --> 00:05:00,270 It's about 15 pages. 104 00:05:00,270 --> 00:05:01,680 Again, not required for you to read it, 105 00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:03,870 but I think it's a really good resource. 106 00:05:03,870 --> 00:05:06,480 If nothing else, just download it on your computer, 107 00:05:06,480 --> 00:05:08,430 save it for maybe sometime in the future 108 00:05:08,430 --> 00:05:11,580 when you might need it or might wanna reference it again, 109 00:05:11,580 --> 00:05:13,470 so that's there. 110 00:05:13,470 --> 00:05:16,890 And then you have quiz this week 111 00:05:16,890 --> 00:05:21,420 and the assignment this week, 112 00:05:21,420 --> 00:05:24,060 there's actually three parts to it. 113 00:05:24,060 --> 00:05:26,820 The first part is, and it's all in one document, 114 00:05:26,820 --> 00:05:27,690 so you'll open it up 115 00:05:27,690 --> 00:05:29,250 and it'll say part one, part two, part three 116 00:05:29,250 --> 00:05:31,931 and the first part is just some basic questions 117 00:05:31,931 --> 00:05:33,720 around the biology of cancer. 118 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:35,070 Just a, a refresher 119 00:05:35,070 --> 00:05:36,930 to make sure you're understanding the concepts 120 00:05:36,930 --> 00:05:38,970 from the lectures and the reading. 121 00:05:38,970 --> 00:05:40,830 And the second part is 122 00:05:40,830 --> 00:05:43,200 some quick case study questions 123 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:44,970 just to try to put it into the context... 124 00:05:44,970 --> 00:05:46,530 Taking the biology, 125 00:05:46,530 --> 00:05:47,550 and put it in the context of practice. 126 00:05:47,550 --> 00:05:50,640 And then the third part I'm asking you to do, 127 00:05:50,640 --> 00:05:52,890 just to make sure we're all getting on track 128 00:05:52,890 --> 00:05:54,570 with doing the final project, 129 00:05:54,570 --> 00:05:57,690 which is actually not that far away, 130 00:05:57,690 --> 00:06:00,689 and as the semester's somehow starting 131 00:06:00,689 --> 00:06:02,460 to come to a close already. 132 00:06:02,460 --> 00:06:04,680 So I wanted to make sure everyone was starting 133 00:06:04,680 --> 00:06:06,540 to think about your final project. 134 00:06:06,540 --> 00:06:08,760 And as such, the third part of the assignment 135 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:10,710 for this week is really just for you 136 00:06:10,710 --> 00:06:15,710 to write into in the assignment document 137 00:06:15,780 --> 00:06:18,630 which condition or disease you're planning to focus on 138 00:06:18,630 --> 00:06:20,490 for your final project 139 00:06:20,490 --> 00:06:22,680 And it doesn't have to be... 140 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:24,840 You're not a hundred percent locked into that, 141 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:26,220 it's just so that I have a sense of 142 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:28,200 where you might be going with it. 143 00:06:28,200 --> 00:06:30,330 It also gives you a chance to, if you want, 144 00:06:30,330 --> 00:06:33,360 if you have any questions about the final project 145 00:06:33,360 --> 00:06:34,560 to put those in there 146 00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:36,930 and I'll get you feedback on that as well. 147 00:06:36,930 --> 00:06:38,850 You can always email me with questions too, 148 00:06:38,850 --> 00:06:42,030 but this way it gives you, it gives you an assignment 149 00:06:42,030 --> 00:06:43,290 to do this now. 150 00:06:43,290 --> 00:06:46,373 So your mind is at least starting to really think about 151 00:06:46,373 --> 00:06:48,600 what you're going to do for your final project 152 00:06:48,600 --> 00:06:51,840 and making sure that everyone has taken a look 153 00:06:51,840 --> 00:06:54,390 at what the requirements are for this paper 154 00:06:54,390 --> 00:06:56,610 and there's two parts to it, right. 155 00:06:56,610 --> 00:06:59,100 So there's the paper, which is the main part, 156 00:06:59,100 --> 00:07:02,327 then there's also the collection of resources 157 00:07:02,327 --> 00:07:06,270 that you could pull up 158 00:07:06,270 --> 00:07:09,480 and hopefully you've collected some 159 00:07:09,480 --> 00:07:11,760 over the semester anyway, it's just putting it into more 160 00:07:11,760 --> 00:07:15,130 of an organized format where I'm asking you to just include 161 00:07:16,380 --> 00:07:18,674 most likely a list of websites 162 00:07:18,674 --> 00:07:20,670 and other resources 163 00:07:20,670 --> 00:07:22,810 that you think could be helpful potentially 164 00:07:22,810 --> 00:07:23,940 in your practice 165 00:07:23,940 --> 00:07:26,250 or your future practice. 166 00:07:26,250 --> 00:07:28,211 So that's there again, 167 00:07:28,211 --> 00:07:31,320 simply so that when you walk away from this course, 168 00:07:31,320 --> 00:07:33,090 you have something in your hands. 169 00:07:33,090 --> 00:07:35,820 It's not, oh, what was that six months ago 170 00:07:35,820 --> 00:07:36,930 when I was taking that course 171 00:07:36,930 --> 00:07:40,623 with ]that crazy lady who made all those weird videos? 172 00:07:41,629 --> 00:07:42,543 What was that? 173 00:07:42,543 --> 00:07:43,770 What was that website 174 00:07:43,770 --> 00:07:45,570 that I went to that was really helpful. 175 00:07:45,570 --> 00:07:48,780 I only I could remember, oh wait, I don't have to remember 176 00:07:48,780 --> 00:07:50,130 because it's on the list 177 00:07:50,130 --> 00:07:53,430 that I created for my final project, that's the goal. 178 00:07:53,430 --> 00:07:56,347 So if you could assemble that 179 00:07:56,347 --> 00:07:58,423 and so maybe start thinking about that. 180 00:07:58,423 --> 00:08:01,350 Put some together of what you've already found 181 00:08:01,350 --> 00:08:03,245 as being helpful 182 00:08:03,245 --> 00:08:05,640 and it's just gonna be like a bullet point list 183 00:08:05,640 --> 00:08:09,090 of 10 resources that you, 184 00:08:09,090 --> 00:08:11,610 at least 10 you know more if you have more 185 00:08:11,610 --> 00:08:13,800 that are helpful websites 186 00:08:13,800 --> 00:08:16,320 that you've found to be useful 187 00:08:16,320 --> 00:08:18,370 or could be useful for you in the future. 188 00:08:19,620 --> 00:08:24,620 Okay, I think that pretty much wraps it up. 189 00:08:25,140 --> 00:08:27,030 There's the discussion board, of course, 190 00:08:27,030 --> 00:08:29,441 and I look forward, you know, 191 00:08:29,441 --> 00:08:34,441 to talking with you some more about the cancer biology, 192 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:36,120 targeted therapeutics and anything else 193 00:08:36,120 --> 00:08:38,163 that comes up to mind this week. 194 00:08:39,165 --> 00:08:44,165 So I think with that, I will close out for now 195 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:49,260 and wish you a happy April. 196 00:08:49,260 --> 00:08:51,420 And yeah, again, as always, 197 00:08:51,420 --> 00:08:53,430 let me know if you have questions on anything 198 00:08:53,430 --> 00:08:56,670 and I will get back to you as soon as I can, 199 00:08:56,670 --> 00:08:58,417 thanks very much, bye-bye.