WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.990 --> 00:00:01.823 Hello, students. 2 00:00:01.823 --> 00:00:04.470 So as I mentioned during our examples 3 00:00:04.470 --> 00:00:06.270 as we were going through them 4 00:00:06.270 --> 00:00:09.570 that I was going to show you how to use Excel 5 00:00:09.570 --> 00:00:14.570 to sort our data from smallest to largest. 6 00:00:14.670 --> 00:00:17.070 And that's what I'm doing here using Excel. 7 00:00:17.070 --> 00:00:19.590 So first what I'm gonna do is just enter the data 8 00:00:19.590 --> 00:00:21.240 the way they are. 9 00:00:21.240 --> 00:00:22.860 For example, problem one. 10 00:00:22.860 --> 00:00:25.233 So 185, 11 00:00:27.720 --> 00:00:30.903 225, 240, 12 00:00:32.790 --> 00:00:34.503 196, 13 00:00:36.270 --> 00:00:38.073 175, 14 00:00:39.953 --> 00:00:43.598 180, 15 00:00:43.598 --> 00:00:46.809 194, 16 00:00:46.809 --> 00:00:49.200 147, 17 00:00:49.200 --> 00:00:50.137 and 223. 18 00:00:52.560 --> 00:00:53.820 So what are the numbers here? 19 00:00:53.820 --> 00:00:57.630 The numbers here I like to double check my entries. 20 00:00:57.630 --> 00:01:01.550 180, 225, 240, 196, 175, 21 00:01:03.992 --> 00:01:08.767 180, 194, 147 and 223. 22 00:01:09.690 --> 00:01:12.660 So now all you have to do is highlight them 23 00:01:12.660 --> 00:01:13.830 and then go here. 24 00:01:13.830 --> 00:01:17.460 It says sort and filter. 25 00:01:17.460 --> 00:01:18.930 So you go to sort and filter 26 00:01:18.930 --> 00:01:21.123 and go sort smallest to largest. 27 00:01:22.110 --> 00:01:23.550 Then we are done. 28 00:01:23.550 --> 00:01:25.650 So now you can see it is sorted. 29 00:01:25.650 --> 00:01:29.513 147, 175, 180, 185, 30 00:01:30.572 --> 00:01:35.361 194, 196, 223, 225 31 00:01:35.361 --> 00:01:36.960 and 240. 32 00:01:36.960 --> 00:01:38.220 Right? Great. 33 00:01:38.220 --> 00:01:41.700 So let's do another one because I know we worked 34 00:01:41.700 --> 00:01:45.420 on another problem quite thoroughly, which was problem 20. 35 00:01:45.420 --> 00:01:47.820 So let's enter the data there. 36 00:01:47.820 --> 00:01:52.093 So here again it's 7, 35, 5, 37 00:01:55.734 --> 00:02:00.734 9, 8, 3, 38 00:02:03.957 --> 00:02:08.785 and 12 and 8. 39 00:02:08.785 --> 00:02:10.742 Okay, so let's go through it again. 40 00:02:10.742 --> 00:02:15.325 7, 35, 5, 9, 8, 41 00:02:16.590 --> 00:02:19.350 3, 10, 12, and 8. 42 00:02:19.350 --> 00:02:22.050 Okay, so again, we highlight them here, 43 00:02:22.050 --> 00:02:26.670 we go to the sort and filter, go sort smallest to largest. 44 00:02:26.670 --> 00:02:27.840 And that's it. 45 00:02:27.840 --> 00:02:29.040 It's sorted again. 46 00:02:29.040 --> 00:02:33.420 So this is a really, really quick way to filter 47 00:02:33.420 --> 00:02:37.530 and sort our data to do the descriptive statistics 48 00:02:37.530 --> 00:02:39.900 that we just learned for chapter four. 49 00:02:39.900 --> 00:02:42.210 Now, one thing I want to show you here, and again 50 00:02:42.210 --> 00:02:45.480 no pressure, you do not have to use Excel at all. 51 00:02:45.480 --> 00:02:47.340 A lot of students do not use Excel 52 00:02:47.340 --> 00:02:49.380 and they do great in this class. 53 00:02:49.380 --> 00:02:52.590 But I just want to show you how easy it is to use Excel 54 00:02:52.590 --> 00:02:55.410 to check your work because you still have to show me 55 00:02:55.410 --> 00:02:58.680 all your work and you have to do the calculation by hand 56 00:02:58.680 --> 00:03:01.470 so that I can see that you understood the process. 57 00:03:01.470 --> 00:03:04.050 Like I said, we need to understand the concepts 58 00:03:04.050 --> 00:03:07.290 behind the statistical analysis. 59 00:03:07.290 --> 00:03:08.610 Very important. 60 00:03:08.610 --> 00:03:11.190 So here I'm just showing you the table. 61 00:03:11.190 --> 00:03:16.080 So we have basically X of i, 62 00:03:16.080 --> 00:03:17.490 which is all our values. 63 00:03:17.490 --> 00:03:21.180 Again, these are here entered in the ordered set. 64 00:03:21.180 --> 00:03:22.680 Then we have the middle column 65 00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:26.220 which is the individual value minus our mean 66 00:03:26.220 --> 00:03:29.310 which is the X part, and here we have those values 67 00:03:29.310 --> 00:03:34.230 and then we have the square of the middle column. 68 00:03:34.230 --> 00:03:37.860 So I have done this basically, and you can click on these 69 00:03:37.860 --> 00:03:40.650 and take a look at the form list I have used. 70 00:03:40.650 --> 00:03:44.640 This can really, really help you double check your work 71 00:03:44.640 --> 00:03:46.320 whether it's for the homework problems 72 00:03:46.320 --> 00:03:48.210 or whenever you are taking the test. 73 00:03:48.210 --> 00:03:50.520 Again, this will take a little extra time 74 00:03:50.520 --> 00:03:52.200 so only do it if you have the time. 75 00:03:52.200 --> 00:03:54.780 If you don't have it, please avoid it. 76 00:03:54.780 --> 00:03:57.990 Then what I have done here is I have summarized this column. 77 00:03:57.990 --> 00:04:01.290 As you can see, I used the sum function from Excel 78 00:04:01.290 --> 00:04:04.230 to summarize A2 through A10. 79 00:04:04.230 --> 00:04:06.870 And then I have summarized the middle column again 80 00:04:06.870 --> 00:04:09.510 because as I said, you wanna double check your work. 81 00:04:09.510 --> 00:04:13.260 This middle column should always add up to zero. 82 00:04:13.260 --> 00:04:15.360 It didn't because we had a decimal. 83 00:04:15.360 --> 00:04:18.420 So again, I want you to look at that and see 84 00:04:18.420 --> 00:04:21.840 that here we are 0.1, so very close to zero 85 00:04:21.840 --> 00:04:24.600 but it's not exactly zero because of the decimal. 86 00:04:24.600 --> 00:04:26.400 Again, here the third column 87 00:04:26.400 --> 00:04:28.800 I have used the sum function to calculate 88 00:04:28.800 --> 00:04:30.110 the sum again here. 89 00:04:30.110 --> 00:04:31.410 C2 to C10. 90 00:04:31.410 --> 00:04:33.930 Again, you have to do the calculation, 91 00:04:33.930 --> 00:04:35.340 you have to show me your work 92 00:04:35.340 --> 00:04:38.280 but you can use Excel to double check your work. 93 00:04:38.280 --> 00:04:41.100 Now this one, as you can see the average 94 00:04:41.100 --> 00:04:42.840 it's a function of Excel. 95 00:04:42.840 --> 00:04:44.940 I have used that to calculate my average. 96 00:04:44.940 --> 00:04:47.430 Again, it's A2 through A10. 97 00:04:47.430 --> 00:04:50.940 Keep in mind I did not include A11 98 00:04:50.940 --> 00:04:52.530 in the average calculation 99 00:04:52.530 --> 00:04:54.630 and that is for very good reason. 100 00:04:54.630 --> 00:04:57.420 A11 is not part of our dataset. 101 00:04:57.420 --> 00:05:01.560 A11 is the sum of our dataset. 102 00:05:01.560 --> 00:05:04.830 And again, here the same thing for the standard deviation 103 00:05:04.830 --> 00:05:07.140 I have used A2 through A10. 104 00:05:07.140 --> 00:05:11.280 I did not use or did not include A11 or A12 105 00:05:11.280 --> 00:05:13.830 because they are not part of our dataset. 106 00:05:13.830 --> 00:05:16.170 So again, these are just simple ways 107 00:05:16.170 --> 00:05:18.690 to double check your work by using Excel. 108 00:05:18.690 --> 00:05:22.140 Many of you probably are quite familiar with Excel. 109 00:05:22.140 --> 00:05:23.310 Maybe you are not. 110 00:05:23.310 --> 00:05:25.080 If you are not, if you want to learn it 111 00:05:25.080 --> 00:05:29.400 this might be an easy way to start learning how to use Excel 112 00:05:29.400 --> 00:05:32.760 for simple calculations and also for this class 113 00:05:32.760 --> 00:05:34.230 to kind of double check your work. 114 00:05:34.230 --> 00:05:35.670 But again, if it is too much 115 00:05:35.670 --> 00:05:37.530 you don't want to learn it, that's fine. 116 00:05:37.530 --> 00:05:38.553 No pressure. 117 00:05:39.750 --> 00:05:41.490 So that's about it, okay? 118 00:05:41.490 --> 00:05:43.470 This is all I'm going to cover as far as 119 00:05:43.470 --> 00:05:48.470 chapter four is concerned for basically for our examples. 120 00:05:49.320 --> 00:05:53.340 And again, these examples hopefully will really help you 121 00:05:53.340 --> 00:05:56.520 to work on the homework assignments as well as the test. 122 00:05:56.520 --> 00:05:58.410 And again, please feel free to reach out. 123 00:05:58.410 --> 00:05:59.313 I'm here to help. 124 00:06:00.210 --> 00:06:02.220 Thank you for your time and attention. 125 00:06:02.220 --> 00:06:04.110 I know these were a lot of problems 126 00:06:04.110 --> 00:06:05.730 and a lot of detailed calculation 127 00:06:05.730 --> 00:06:07.470 but I really enjoyed going through them. 128 00:06:07.470 --> 00:06:09.933 So I hope you enjoy learning them too. 129 00:06:10.844 --> 00:06:11.677 Thank you.