LCOM PHP - Mental Health in Vermont Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Posted by vabraham on 12/10/2020

I see that middle-aged individuals were less likely to be optimistic. What third variables did y'all think about, that could have affected this? Especially since middle-aged individuals were not more likely to report feeling isolated.

Posted by acohen18 on 12/10/2020

What do you all think are factors that related to there being no statistical difference between rural and urban communities. At first glance I would have thought that rural communities may endorse increased feelings of loneliness especially if they are unable to gather with neighbors and friends during this time. I wonder what could have contributed to retained feelings of social connectivity despite being in a rural area?

Posted by klounsbu on 12/10/2020

Your nicely presented project shows the value of social connectedness in reducing mental health issues, I think these data have applications to all communities, even after the pandemic era

Posted by cwatson2 on 12/10/2020

great poster! The lay-out is nice. The significant gender difference is interesting... I wonder what some factors are that make females (on average) more concerned with loneliness/lack of optimism/etc.?

Posted by czehle on 12/11/2020

Nice job and helpful to identify the subgroups at greater risk to focus resources and services.