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Results for: 'tips design blackboard workshop'
Tips for Making Your Blackboard Course More Student-Friendly
7 tips that you can implement to make a better organized, easier to navigate Blackboard course.
This workshop introduces broad principles for designing courses that are inclusive, flexible, and organized to align course goals, assignments, and assessments. By the end of this workshop, participants will have articulated well-formed goals fo...
Pedagogical Sound Bite: The Power of Transparent Assignment Design
This workshop presents an overview of Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (TILT), an award-winning, scholarly project focused on improving students' learning experiences. Evidence from a national study shows that when facul...
Universal Design for Learning Workshop Extracts
This workshop, taught by Holly Parker, focuses on the concepts of Universal Design for Learning and how to apply them in teaching.
Tips for Making Your Blackboard Course More Student-Friendly
7 ideas to simplify, organize, and make less frustrating to navigate your course